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assault on a pregnant woman

Assault On A Pregnant Woman - Sometimes he may behave inappropriately. But the man she lived with always respected her desire to use birth control. one night even though he didn't

The Los Angeles woman, then 22, tried to get Plan B, "an after-work morning pill," but the clinic turned her down because she owed money to the state's Medicare system. and she became pregnant

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

The abortion made her feel guilty. Her boyfriend made it worse: "What kind of person are you?" he grinned.

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Elizabeth Miller, director of adolescent and adult medicine at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, was the first to identify and study a pattern of domestic violence she called reproductive coercion. When a man or woman tries to override their partner's choices about pregnancy.

Not to be confused with rape Consensual sexual relations And there may not be physical harm. Miller says that reproductive is about dominance and power. "Everything from saying, 'Honey, we're going to have a beautiful baby together,' to having the IUD removed," she says. Intentions can make it difficult for couples to get out of a relationship or simply a method of containment. The method can be contraceptive sabotage. checking pregnancy results or lying about your fertility

Miller said, however, “If no one hits Victims may be reluctant to accept that birth control is a form of abuse,” and most do not seek help.

"I didn't tell anyone what happened," the Los Angeles woman recalled. "I think he's entitled to it. He's my boyfriend." Like everyone else in this situation She grew up in a family where abuse was commonplace and she has to rely on her partner's money.

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"I don't think I'll get over it," he said today. She asked to remain anonymous to protect her daughter. Yet she found the courage to leave her partner in 2012, before her daughter was born and ended up in a homeless shelter.

Miller's first study on reproductive coercion was published in Contraception in 2010. She found that one in four women aged 16 to 29 at a family planning clinic experienced it. and more that it is an important and neglected factor in unwanted pregnancies.

Miller was met with disbelief when the study came out. "Is this really happening?" she was asked, contrary to the popular belief that teenage pregnancy lacks contraceptive knowledge or is inattentive. Researchers who asked different questions found that men flushed birth control pills or forced their partners to have abortions.

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

R.M.M. (through a Spanish translator He asked to be identified only by his initials) was 18 when he moved from Mexico to California in 2006 to get married. She desperately wanted children. But her husband didn't want to. R.M.M. insisted that she was taking birth control pills, but secretly stopped taking them and became pregnant. "I loved her and thought she would change when the baby was born," but he remained indifferent during her pregnancy and after the baby arrived.

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"He told me if I got pregnant again, he would leave me and not help me or my children financially," she says, afraid to be alone in a new country where she doesn't speak R.M.M., and started using birth control again.

Post-Miller research shows that reproductive coercion is a greater problem for adolescents and vulnerable populations than in free or low-cost clinics than in the general population.

A 2019 study by Obstetrics and Gynecology found that one in eight sexually active high school girls at eight health centers in California had experienced forced reproduction within three months. The researchers identified them through a series of questions about their sexual activity at the time.

For example, is someone trying to take their birth control pills? You said they would have a baby with someone else if they weren't pregnant? Did the condom accidentally break during sex?

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Karen Trister Grace, a midwife and researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, said, "We've been talking about [forced reproduction] for a long time without going anonymous."

Dealing with how often this happens is a challenge. Because the existing research measures different topics, says Grace, who conducted a systematic review of coercion research.

A 2019 study in the BMJ examined nine different aggregated reports on sexual coercion between 2010 and 2017 and found that a quarter of women and adolescent girls who received sexual and reproductive health services said they had received services of sexual coercion.

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

Few studies have included data on men. The 2010-2012 National Survey of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence found that male respondents experienced sexual coercion slightly more often than females in the 2010s. This rate was 9.7 percent, for women 8.4 percent. .

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Men were more likely to report that their partners tried to seduce them into pregnancy against their wishes. Their partner lies about being infertile or using birth control pills, for example. among women Men refusing to wear condoms is the most common coercive tactic.

Reproductive coercion is common among black women. multiracial and Latina as well. It's about systems and structures, not race or culture, says Virginia Dulessis, associate director of health at Futures Without Violence in San Francisco. "It's about who has access to power and resources — health care, cars, credit cards."

Duplessis added that when a pregnancy is unwanted, the health consequences of mother and child suffer. Prenatal care can be neglected. Women may drink or smoke more during pregnancy. Mothers are at high risk of developing mental health problems. Or it can be sexually transmitted if the man refuses to use a condom.

In 2013, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued definitions and screening guidelines for its members regarding reproductive and sexual intercourse.

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Diane Horvath, a doctor at Baltimore's Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, screens all women without a sexual partner at clinic appointments. They are asked, "Whose decision is this? Did someone force you to come here?" He looks for nonverbal signs of the patient's reluctance to move forward, such as undressing.

Horvath had a patient last year who said she didn't want an abortion. But he was in an extreme situation. Her partner was in the waiting room, and Horvath and his team took her out the back door to the shelter. and initiated an injunction not to arrest her When asked if the patient would have an abortion if he hadn't investigated, Horvath couldn't answer.

Horvath said sexual coercion is underreported. And anecdotal reports indicate that all forms of domestic violence increased during the pandemic. Forced breeding, he said. "Defining One's Life Path"

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

There is also a strong link between forced reproduction and physical violence. [screening], which is good enough, we need to do better,” asserts Horvath.

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In addition to reproductive coercion screening, ACOG also recommends a strategy. For example, if the sexual partner forbids contraception. Your doctor may recommend inserting an IUD, the cord of which is hidden in your cervix.

Rose Martinez's health care provider recommended the birth control injection Depo-Provera after her unwanted pregnancy. Martinez is only 18 years old, he is not yet ready to start a family. Her husband, however, wanted a child and was furious. Throw away birth control pills if you find them.

She was able to hide the birth control shot from her husband for the next three years, but Depo-Provera was not recommended for longer, so Martinez turned to a less reliable form of birth control. When it's time for you to leave She experienced five unwanted pregnancies and four children. The coercion was sometimes accompanied by physical violence.

Martinez and R.M.M. both credit programs at Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence in San Jose. California that helps them realize they are being abused and provides support that allows them to move forward. The couple is now divorced. They founded El Comite de Mujeres Fuertes (Committee of Strong Women), an advisory group for Next Door Solutions that serves women like them.

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Experts say preventing reproductive coercion is more effective than repairing lifelong damage. Suspected victim He said there is also a need for international education on healthy relationships.

The Los Angeles woman, now 31, who was molested when she was 22, said she still feels condemned and embarrassed by those who blamed her for the incident. She said she entered into a relationship but "it wasn't my consent." That's why he's now sharing his story.

"A lot of people don't know that. [Forced reproduction] is real," he says. "I raised a woman. And I don't want you to shut up."

Assault On A Pregnant Woman

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