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G & J Aircraft And Competition

G & J Aircraft And Competition

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Received: May 22, 2022 / Revised: June 29, 2022 / Accepted: June 29, 2022 / Published: July 13, 2022

A well-planned aircraft design and model system was developed for the Air Cargo Challenge to exceed expectations in terms of payload, altitude, and range. the trip. Its special structure allows it to easily adapt to any problem that depends on the performance not only of the aircraft model but also on the flight path. It is based on OpenAeroStruct, an air conditioning solution that uses analytical methods for gradient-based optimization. It is combined with the option to use b-splines to increase the efficiency of the application, along with a graphical representation Energy reduction models accurately describe the response of the aircraft to the control point based on the maximum charge of the battery. . The specific problem includes a total of 206 variables and 283 constraints and was solved in less than 7 hours with a 12% reduction on a standard computer when using b-splines for controlling variables. The results show the need for more objective whole scoring to confirm the different aspects of the scoring, confirming the importance of loading conditions and the chosen path. To increase the capacity of the wing, increase the wing area in the allowed space and climb to the maximum height should be focused on the first 60 seconds of the flight, and avoid the whole car during the flight to reduce the loss and extend the flight distance. This framework has been proven to be an important tool for students to easily obtain guidance in designing and controlling aircraft to increase competitive scores.

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The Air Cargo Challenge (ACC) is an international competition for aeronautical engineering students of higher education, founded in 2003 by the Instituto Superior Técnico and supported by the European Aerospace Students Association (EUROAVIA).

Participating teams face a complex aeronautical engineering task of designing, building, and deploying a controlled flight model. this radio will carry the maximum load according to the competition rules. The winning team will be given the right to organize the next event and make changes to its rules.

The ACC 2022 edition was organized by AkaModell Munich, and the rules [1] have changed significantly from previous editions. Although at first it was focused on high loads, this has turned into a real option for the transport of emergency medical supplies, especially blood bags, from one place to another. Therefore, not only the load but also the path is important in the performance score.

G & J Aircraft And Competition

The aviation objectives for ACC 2022 are shown in Figure 1, defined in 6 categories.

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The objective of the flight is to (i) carry as much baggage as possible; (ii) climb as far as possible (free flight in stages 3-4) within two minutes (stages 1-2) while climbing for 60 seconds to avoid post-flight complications; (iii) immediately before landing (section 4-1). The competition score shows how well it achieved the three goals (i) - (iii) compared to other teams. In addition, the design of the aircraft must have advantages such as small space for transportation, assembly and short distance.

The ACC 2022 rules prescribe a radio-controlled flight system in which the engine must use the engine and electronic controls, and limiting the ability to ensure competitiveness. Figure 2 shows the ACC prototype aircraft designed and built for proof-of-concept in 2021 by the Olissipo Air team of the Instituto Superior Técnico. Note the tractor's low weight and V-tail configuration.

Since ACC is a very specific problem with regard to structure, no single work has been published that covers all relevant fields. With few published works, except for bachelor and master theses, the most important scientific papers are focused on specific fields such as aerodynamic design [2, 3], multi-dimensional modeling [4], parametric geometry [5] or plane dynamics. and control [6].

Considering the objectives of the ACC 2022 competition, not only the design of the aircraft but also the way it is operated is very important.

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On the one hand, the design of aircraft must consider both aerodynamics and structure to reduce total weight and drag while increasing lift and cruising speed. It is necessary to integrate the aerodynamic theory and principles in the field of aircraft models, which is necessary for many problems of aircraft design, from simple operation to special conditions multi-operating point [7], wing turning [8], and transonic wings. [9] and wing box set [10]. The design process focuses on the basic part to provide an overview of the shape, size, weight and performance of the aircraft for specific performance conditions [11].

On the other hand, the way to follow the airplanes and spaceships is also suitable for the competition score, which tries to be the fastest and farthest. Therefore, the road needs to consider the improvement of roads. In general, the use of flight paths reduces fuel consumption, but it can also be used to improve data collection [12], efficiency [13], energy [14], use of the fuel [15] or the impact of the environment [16]. This work is focused on the classification of single multi-section routes considering departure, climb and separation, and taking into account the continuity of the flight path.

The ACC 2022 provides an integrated simulation method that integrates flight planning and control systems using multivariate analysis and optimization (MDAO) methods to find the optimal solution for a flight mission. These methods have been successfully demonstrated in the aerospace industry and are often used to solve very difficult problems, such as wing flapping [18], wing structure and drag [19], swept wing approach, and the schedule [20]. In recent applications, considering the aerodynamics, heat transfer, and land use, based on the reliability of the paths [21], it seems at the same time the design of the aircraft and the path. considered the best solution.

G & J Aircraft And Competition

The goal of this project is to create an MDAO design framework that integrates aerodynamics, structure, navigation and control systems, trackability and the best design of aircraft to compete in the ACC 2022 competition. An extension mainly OpenAeroStruct [22], an open source low-fidelity aerostructural analysis and analysis tool. The result should be scalable, allowing for the easy addition of new performance measures, constraints, and design variables, not only to improve efficiency. the design for the Olissipo Air Team for future ACC competitions, but also to be open source software. for aerospace engineering students.

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As a design that focuses on the foundational level, the resulting design framework includes the following design principles: Numerical approach to provide appropriate physical solutions and satisfactory design processes at reasonable cost estimates. It consists of four areas: aerodynamics, structure, propulsion, and the best way.

The Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) [23] is a numerical method used to study aircraft aerodynamics. It is most suitable for lifting surfaces and thin air films in the work and work under attack. It is possible to work with many wing styles, even low sides, swept or triangular wings, by designing the wing with a combination of concrete and chord panels. Each panel k has a horseshoe vortex consisting of a vortex attached to the end in the axial direction and two infinite displacements of four extended to the freeway, as shown in Figure 3.

The combination equation (1) for finite and semi-infinite sheets adds contribution.

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